
Dr. Priya Mary Mathew, Director, NMIMS CDOE, has been serving the Higher Education sector since 2002. She has metamorphosed from a management lecturer to an academic strategist, thanks to the broad spectrum of responsibilities she has handled in almost the last two decades; an excellent teacher, ace curriculum designer, researcher, faculty developer, virtual learning instructional designer, quality manager, online facilitator, VR-enabled game designer and international alliance promoter to name a few. She was a topper throughout her academic life and was a PGCHE Gold medalist (NTU, UK) in 2009. She had the opportunity to get trained as Quality Manager under the UK’s Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) in 2013. After this training, she steered the Academic Quality Department for Laureate Network Institute in India. PhD (in Management) led her to mentor more than 200 research scholars and do a dozen industry projects related to online consumer behaviour. International projects with US, UK, Malaysia and Australia-based institutes led her to create collaborative relations. Her interest in learning experience design opened the doors for her to develop online courses. She had a teaching stint at Torrens University’s online MBA program. She affirms, “Online Education has the power to empower every individual on this planet – that too in a customised way. One just needs to design the learning experience wisely.”


  • PhD in Management from Hamdard University
  • PGCHE Gold Medalist from Nottingham Trent University
  • PGDBM from Sri Sringeri Institute of Management
  • Masters in Marketing Management from Annamalai University
  • B.Sc (Chemistry) from Delhi University


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