Unlock your next career move with job search support

Access to Job Portals

Explore curated opportunities on IIMJobs, Updazz, and Hirist with live job updates.

Enhanced Visibility

Stand out with institute-certified profile visibility at the recruiter interface for relevant roles.

Profile Ranking Boost

Improve relative ranking by 30-40%, appearing prominently to recruiters for applied jobs.

Real-Time Updates

Get real-time application status, including Viewed, Shortlisted, Saved or Not Suitable.

Explore curated opportunities on IIMJobs, Updazz, and Hirist with live job updates.

Stand out with institute-certified profile visibility at the recruiter interface for relevant roles.

Improve relative ranking by 30-40%, appearing prominently to recruiters for applied jobs.

Streamline Your Job Search

Discover opportunities, stand out and stay ahead.

Explore Top Job Portals

Access curated opportunities on leading platforms with live job updates to stay ahead in your job search.

Enhanced Visibility

Boost your profile ranking and showcase institute-certified credentials to stand out at the recruiter interface.

Real-Time Updates

Track your application status in real-time and apply to unlimited opportunities tailored for NMIMS CDOE candidates.


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Upskill. Upgrade. Uninterrupted.