CIQA Heading
Ensuring excellence through continuous quality improvement
CIQA Heading
Ensuring excellence through continuous quality improvement

Centre For Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA)

To ensure quality of Programs being offered in Open & Distance Learning and Online mode, NMIMS University has established Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) to conduct institutional compliances & quality audits and to promote best-in-class quality measures.

Objective of CIQA

The objective of Centre for Internal Quality Assurance is to develop and put in place a comprehensive and dynamic internal quality assurance system to ensure that Programs in the Open and Distance Learning mode and Online mode being implemented by the University are of acceptable quality and further improved on continuous basis.

Functions of CIQA

  • To maintain quality in the services provided to the learners.
  • To undertake self-evaluative and reflective exercises for continual quality improvement in various systems and processes of the University.
  • To contribute in the identification of the key areas in which the University should maintain quality.
  • To devise mechanisms to ensure that the quality of Open and Distance Learning Programs and Online Programs matches with the quality of relevant Programs in conventional mode.
  • To devise mechanisms for interaction with and obtaining feedback from all stakeholders.
  • To suggest measures to the authorities of the University for qualitative improvement.
  • To facilitate the implementation of its recommendations through periodic reviews.

CIQA Committee

Member NameCIQA DesignationDesignation
Dr. Ramesh BhatChairpersonVice-Chancellor, NMIMS University
Dr. Ramesh BhatChairpersonVice-Chancellor, NMIMS University
Dr. Ramesh BhatChairpersonVice-Chancellor, NMIMS University

Minutes of the Meeting

Appointment and Composition
MoM CIQA 08 Sep 23
MoM CIQA 22 Feb 24
MoM CIQA 09 Jul 24

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