How Does an MBA Help in Leadership

How Does an MBA Help in Leadership?

We’re living in a world of constant change and uncertainty. In such an environment, it is more important than ever for organisations to have strong leaders who can navigate through these challenges. There is a growing demand for leaders who can think strategically, communicate effectively, and motivate and inspire others. An MBA, especially an Executive MBA in Leadership, can help achieve the same efficiently.

The rise in the demand for leadership is driven by several factors. The world is becoming increasingly complex, and organisations need to be more effective and efficient. At the same time, citizens are demanding more information and involvement in the decisions that affect their lives. All of these factors are creating a need for leaders who can navigate a complex world and inspire others to achieve their best. If you can lead, the 21st century is the time for you to shine.

What is Leadership?

Leadership is defined as the act of leading a group of people or an organisation. Leadership requires empathy, understanding, courage, confidence, and the willingness to take risks and even take on challenges.

In business terms, leadership is an essential function that helps direct an organisation’s resources towards the right activities that improve efficiency and contribute towards achieving business goals.

What are the Qualities of a Leader?

Leaders create inspiring visions, motivate, inspire and engage people and give them a reason to believe in that vision. They ensure the vision is delivered in a way that is best for the business and the people. To truly understand what leadership means, let’s look at the top 10 things that businesses expect of a leader:

  1. Vision
  2. Inspiration
  3. Strategic thinking
  4. Critical thinking
  5. Communication abilities
  6. Self-awareness
  7. Creativity
  8. Adaptability
  9. Dependability
  10. Accountability

While these qualities are sought after in leaders, they are also extremely desirable in employees at every level. Those who possess these skills are likely to be given more responsibilities. An MBA program that focuses on leadership constitutes the coursework required to develop these qualities.

How does an MBA help with Leadership?

An MBA in Leadership, if delivered right, touches and enhances all the areas mentioned above. Let’s take a look at the impact of an MBA leadership program on leadership skills.

Enhances Communication Prowess

An MBA helps students learn how to use business language effectively. This knowledge and the practice of implementing it help boost confidence and improve communication. The assignments, presentations, group discussions, and debates, along with lessons on verbal and written communication, aid this.

How Does an MBA Help in Leadership?
Crisis Resolution

An essential quality of a leader is being able to resolve issues, crises, and Catch-22 situations before they go out of hand. The projects—Capstone business simulation projects, use cases, and competitions—give them an idea of real-life business problems. These, in turn, help improve their ability to resolve such situations with ease and help develop leadership qualities among the students.


Being able to make accurate, data-based, and intelligent decisions is essential for a leader. Whether it is for a field executive who has to decide whether or not a client should get a certain discount or a manager who needs to choose the right people for a project, decisions need to be quick and have a positive impact. An Executive MBA student is trained to have the necessary knowledge, an understanding of analytics, and the vision to understand the impact of their decisions.

Team Work

An essential leadership trait is being able to work with a team and understanding different people’s strengths. Post-MBA, students gain the necessary skills to achieve company objectives and, more importantly, understand what sets of skills complement each other, including their own. The varying skills and knowledge must be brought together and used as effectively as possible.


When it comes to innovation, leadership is not just about having innovative and creative ideas; it also includes the ability to see innovation in others and use that to the benefit of the business. Further, it also means that you have to know where and how to implement this innovation quickly for the best results.


NMIMS Global’s MBA (WX) program includes a specialisation in Leadership and Strategy. Students opting for this specialisation develop expertise in areas like Strategic HRM, Performance Management Strategy, HR Analytics, Managing Organisational Change, Organisation Theory, Structure and Design, and Learning and Development.

Without sacrificing their careers, students can upscale, learn to apply the latest management theories and practices, and build a personal and professional network with like-minded professionals. The program equips them to take the next step in their career, i.e., more strategic roles, by developing an end-to-end view of the enterprise, cross-functional skills, and the ability to understand Leadership and Management in depth.

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