8 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Career As a Supply Chain Manager

A career in Supply Chain Management (SCM) can be fulfilling if pursued with the appropriate training. It might benefit significantly from a management program that helps you gain insights into the industry.

The Pros and Cons of a career in Supply Chain Management 


  • SCM is the cornerstone of any retail business offering varied profiles and opportunities.
  • You can develop a deep understanding of the overall production and operations of the company.
  • The field of work is very dynamic and offers a great learning experience.


  • The inability of theoretical solutions to solve every issue may present difficulties.
  • One should minimise the scope of error to prevent chain disruption
  • Critical requirements for this profile include long hours and absolute precision.

Planning to pursue a career in SCM? Here are some things you can expect as part and parcel of this role:

1. Moving and storage are a small portion of the job

While it sounds like a simple transportation-and-storage affair, supply chain management combines several ancillary elements. It also oversees smooth movement between suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. Based on the industry you’re working in, material procurement, inventory, et cetera, can well fall under your job description. The challenge is to facilitate smooth coordination between each pair of processes.

2. You will be in charge of managing both the supply chain and the people involved

Sure, the job description will probably include business commodities or raw materials. Nevertheless, it is pretty clear that the supply line is managed by other actual human beings and is not merely a mechanical or inanimate series of events. The people who ultimately succeed in this industry are those with technical expertise, interpersonal skills, and the ability to communicate effectively with others.

3. People skills are essential

Given the discussion above, it should be no surprise that attaining success does not solely depend on knowing the textbook process and possessing technical knowledge of the supply chain. Soft skills, clear communication, people skills, and other similar abilities are all crucial traits you must develop during your training or even while working on the job. Most SCM system newcomers are frequently taken aback by the sheer amount of coordination and teamwork that goes into the entire process.

4. There will be a ton of data-intensive work

If you’re under the impression that the supply chain is solely concerned with the efficient management of goods and the individuals involved in the process, you may want to reconsider. The supply chain is severely data-driven, so your data analysis or interpretation skills must be properly polished. Data is a vital component of the management course at NMIMS Global’s Distance MBA in Supply Chain Management program that will equip you with the necessary skills.

5. Networking is key

It is not just the data and the goods, though. In any space, it would be ideal to have someone to show you around and explain how things are done. The supply chain is no exception. Finding people you can trust within the system is necessary, just as you must make and maintain new contacts. Additionally, finding a reliable mentor and nurturing a healthy bond with them will go a long way in ensuring that you don’t falter at a slight misstep.

6. A well-managed supply chain accounts for environmental responsibility

In any industry, it is about time we emphasise the need to make environmentally conscious decisions and practice responsibility. While the supply chain may not feature at the top of the list of things that impact the environment directly, it is a massive part of any industry. Reducing waste in the supply chain plays a significant role in an industry’s overall environmental impact, so you must keep that in mind.

7. You will need to respond well to pressure

This field can be highly competitive and rewards-driven, and you must learn the art of putting your best foot forward in heavy-pressure situations. Thus, a proper and well-designed risk assessment and management plan are crucial to success in the competitive market.

8. Endless career possibilities

SCM can be your gateway into several career options. You can transition into various roles in supply chain management, including data analysis, loading operations, sales, logistics, production management, etc. It can broaden your aspirational horizons and assist you in discovering new options that will be your ideal niche. Whether you are a beginner in the field or an established professional, you can choose to improve your career prospects in the area by earning an MBA in Supply Chain Management from NMIMS Global

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