Professional Skills Required for Hiring and Resourcing Managers

As an HR or resourcing manager, you have to participate and manage several responsibilities at every recruitment stage. Even if a recruitment specialist has come up with a promising candidate, it is still for you to understand a candidate’s abilities and assess whether he/she is suitable for a job role. As part of the process, you need to develop professional skills that will be beneficial at different stages of your managerial role.

  1. Interviewing skills: interviewing candidates is an integral part of the hiring process. A small improvement in this skill brings effective changes in the overall recruitment strategy for a company. As a manager when you have a final say in the recruitment process, you should constantly make efforts to develop your interviewing skills to see a strong return on investment.
  2. Use of data analytics: As part of human resources management, data analytics is one of the significant skills you should develop. Using the tool, specialists will be able to understand employee behaviour patterns, performance, satisfaction, retention, productivity and so on. As a manager, you can use the tool to track human capital risk, revenue per employee, turnover rate, and acceptance rate.
  3. Marketing & branding: Along with traditional responsibilities like training, interviewing and hiring, hr managers are also required to work closely for employer branding. With the proliferation of platforms like Glassdoor, LinkedIn and Quora, any negative comment or feedback can hamper a company’s image. As an HR manager, you need to develop the skills to contribute to building your company’s brand image.
  4. Organizational Skills: Time, records keeping and calendar management are some of the organisational skills you need to improve. Being the leader, you have to liaison between employees, department heads and CEOs. One needs to constantly review and improve on the skills so that you do not miss out on anything.
  5. Communication: Be it any field, communication plays a crucial role. The role of an hr manager demands you to interact with people over a call or an email. Make sure you develop your writing as well as listening skills to avoid miscommunication. You can master communications by attending public speaking events or reading books related that make you understand empathy, conflict management, negotiation and critical listening.
  6. Change management: When you are an HR manager, you need to understand when the right time is to modify old policies, and how to convince employees to embrace a change and make them understand the need for changes.
  7. Confidentiality: HR professionals/managers are responsible for managing employee personal data, salary, and offers, as well as they have access to corporate documents that need to be kept confidential. Pertaining to this, you need to develop HR skills like discretion and ethics to handle sensitive information with care and professionalism.
  8. Digital literacy: As companies continue to evolve digitally, HR managers need to understand how technology can reach organisation goals. You must incorporate and adopt digital methods. You need to learn how you can leverage platforms like LinkedIn or any social channels to get new leads.

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