Professional Skills Required To Be A Successful International Trade Manager

The world has shrunken since the advent of globalisation of trade. A nation thrives on its international trade portfolio as it significantly contributes to its overall GDP. Companies and organisations seek to hire international trade managers to handle the development of foreign trade and execute the commercial practices skilfully. 

International Trade Manager: Roles & Responsibilities

An International Trade Manager is a certified international trade specialist who helps his organisation maintain healthy trade with global vendors. He is responsible for the following roles:

● Trade Compliance Regulations

● Analysis of existing/new trade flows

● Logistics Analysis

● Review of Trade Documentation

● Compliance with Budgetary Restrictions

● Development of Processes for import/export activities

● Manage International Trade Agreement programs

● Handle the database of global vendors 

● Resolving any compliance violations or other issues

These International Trade Managers remain the primary point of contact for trade enquires, internal & external audits, documentation, and trade performances. These maintain liaisons between their companies and the government’s trade regulatory division. 

Qualifications Required to be an International Trade Manager

A master’s degree in International Trade is mandatory to build a career in foreign trade. After the core degree, additional professional courses offer a better grip over trade management principles and global practices. A good and tailor-made certified course will cover all aspects of international trades, including:  

● International Supply Chain Management

● Global Trade Laws

● Trade Management

● International Trade Regulations Applications

● Global Government Controls

● Fundamentals of Freight Forwarding, Warehousing, and Transportation

Generally, those aspiring to be part of international trade also get an MBA in International Trade Management. It helps them get a stronger foothold on export and import operations, equipping them to handle logistic strategies.

If international trade attracts you, enrol for MBA in International Trade Management from NMIMS Global, which offers a 2-year (Distance) MBA degree certification course. It comprehensively covers all aspects of international trade in four semesters. This program includes the latest trade norms, strategies, and policies to grab lucrative international trade jobs

Soft Skills to be a Successful International Trade Manager

An efficient international trade manager must adopt the following soft skills to tackle professional competitiveness on the global front: 

● Multi-cultural Communication Skills: This skill enables them to coordinate with multi-cultural natives and gel well with their work culture. 

● Networking Skills: A good global trade manager must have strong PR skills to help them weave a diverse network of like-minded professionals.

● Collaborative Skills: Mere network-building won’t work until it gets enforced with collaborative skills, leading to effective brainstorming, positive leadership, and quick resolutions.

● Adaptive Skills: Adaption will lead to confidence and personal development to thrive in an ever-evolving trade scenario.

● Cognitive Skills: Cognitive skills refer high emotional quotient in the form of self-awareness, empathy, and calm demeanour during multi-levelled business interactions. 

● Resilience: Only resilient managers will sail through prolonged working hours, multiple time zones, stubborn traders and professional setbacks. 

This sector will grow in leaps and bounds with rewarding international trade policies. Get a certified degree or enrol for a diploma course in international trade management and be part of the global trade industry. 

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